Team Members

Kristi Sproates

Appy Connections provides a mobile service offering specialised education training and support for people with disabilities to improve daily living skills. Mobile devices are paramount to Appy Connections’ support. Mobile devices, settings and apps are individually tailored to suit unique skills and needs of the user. Learning in everyday settings such as school, community, work or home makes implementing skills and technology use practical and meaningful.

Appy Connections recognises that continuous and collaborative support systems are necessary and values stakeholder input to empower people with a disability to embrace technology as a tool for change.

The BVIH was an opportunity to connect, learn and grow with other small businesses and to access mentorship from local, national and internationally experienced mentors.

As a resident of the Bega Valley for 21 years, the BVIH is the most exciting opportunity small business has ever seen – ongoing funding will provide real opportunities to expand and grow but will also provide hope in the survival of regional communities, allowing families to stay and to inspire future entrepreneurs.

Kristi Sproates,
Appy Connections